Thursday, September 27, 2012
9 -11, Andrew Marshall King And Sharia Law

The last twelve months have been perhaps the busiest for me since the 2002 anniversary of my brother Andrew Marshall King's murder in the North tower of the WTC. We've had the 10th anniversary, the ceremony in NYC, and of course the killing of Bin Laden. The requests for interviews and commentary has been in a word, overwhelming. Clearly, I get more than my fair share because I am a writer. I also write on religion, terrorism and global counter terrorism strategies. My quote" I am not anti Muslim, but I am anti Islam" gets quite a bit of play, and discussion. I also have a presence in India where sadly, more religious terrorism happens than anywhere.

Memorial in NYC
This year though you won't find my poignant quotes or commentary other than here. This year I am being selfish. My friends can't reach me because I hatched this plan about two months ago when my phone was stolen, I did not replace it. Sure you can still get me on the Internet, through umpteen sites via Google or any search engine, but I checked out of Facebook until the twelfth. I recently built a Facebook page for my brother that people can " LIKE", comment and look at some fun old photos. The many events from many own 9 -11 golf tournament in Havana, Cuba to the one at his home club in Princeton for kids are all doing well. The memorials from the garden at Elgin Academy to the garden at UNC Chapel Hill, are all looking good. The scholarships in his name to various educational institutions are all making a difference to our youth. The memorial bridge Dad and I built in Geneva, Illinois, is solid as the rocks that built it. The many other varied contributions in his name assure he is not forgotten.

AMK Memorial Bridge, Illinois
The guilt I feel is not being available for his family and friends with a bear hug, as was his custom. Or my voice on the phone. This year has been a draining one for me, Dad is in the final stage of Alzheimer's and a handful. Sure I have care for him ( that's why we moved across the border to Mexico), but it is still a handful. I refuse to send him to a home though, where he'd be restricted, and mostly locked up, to await the inevitable.I'd rather not desert him, let him drink his beers, cokes, and eat foods he likes. He won't remember it is 9 -11, or that his prized son is dead, unless I remind him, and why be cruel? Misery does not love company in this case. I'll watch HBO and avoid the specials and news too, as will he. You see the promotion of each of these news items hurts anyone who suffered a loss, not just the day itself, but the lead up is cruel. Families don't need reminders, for us we remember every day, not just around 9 -11, or when we see an old film with the twin towers. Other terrorist activities, hurt us each and every time they occur, holidays crush us.

Bin Laden's death, may have helped some families, but for me it was disappointing. For a Muslim, death is a reward, so I always want an incarceration. This is one of the things wrong with Islam and part of why I say " I'm not anti Muslim, but I am anti Islam". Defenders can say, it is a poor interpretation or translation, but it is obvious too many Muslims believe this.The same is true of the parts of the Qu'ran that wish to convert or expunge (kill) all non Muslims in holy lands, or the fundamentalist madrassas who teach children hate. These fundamentalists wish Sharia law, that keeps women restricted from education, targets for honor killings and public stoning. Governments need to start waking up to the fact that this is a threat to their sovereignty and democracies. Those Muslims who stay silent to the terrorist house down the block are guilty of being part of the problem, just as they are when they do not report a radical Imam or cleric, inciting, condoning, or applauding violence.

Chapel Hill, UNC Memorial Garden
We in the West, need to become better educated and know the difference of a Sikh and a Muslim. However, today's world is different, Sikhs need to be permitted by their own laws to take off their turbans, for inspections at an airport or other secure area. The Sikhs historically and geographically traditional foes of Muslims, not allies ! France has outlawed the burka and hijab, not because they hate Muslims but because they are security threats, I applaud them. Wear these at home, not on the street, again this is a threat to national securities and Islam is a threat to sovereignty. Those that seek to share the opinion that the West is stepping on the rights of Muslims, needs to face the facts that it is non Muslims rights for security, democracy and women's rights that Muslims are stepping on. There are many fine Muslims, that abhor violence, yet many other's sit on their hands, one is to be lauded, the other to be found guilty. Muslims need to realize that they came to the West to live and profit from our cultures, if they feel persecuted, they can and should leave. The same is true in India, if they want to promote fundamentalism, go somewhere else, India is secular.

9-11 Tournament prize, The AMK Trophy
The intolerance of some interpretations or translations of Islam is a germ that needs to be combated. It is a global problem that I compare to genocide, because in a nutshell, that is what radical, fundamentalist Islam wants, to convert or expunge us, that is the part of Sharia Law, many choose to sweep under the rug. This is as big of threat as Hitler was to the Jews, or The Spanish Inquisition was to a indigenous native or heretic. It is the moderate Muslims that seem to forget that another part of Sharia law applies to those Muslims not devout enough, they too are scheduled to be expunged. It is a shame because it was a branch of Islam that brought the West out of the Dark Ages, with their many advances and discoveries in medicine, science, math, philosophy, arts, agriculture, architecture, commerce, and astronomy.Unfortunately, that was centuries ago. Now they are the cause of most of the world's religious terrorism. Change all starts with education, the madrassas must stop teaching non tolerance and promoting violence. Moderate Muslims need to stand up and be counted, lead with interpretations that promote tolerance and shun violence. Muslims need to stop enslaving and expunging traditional African, Asian and Islanders, and respect their native cultures.

Me and my best friend
Jai Hind, is Hindi for many things, the translation is usually A FREE INDIA, or something thereabouts depending on the context. It is a patriotic, beautiful phrase. It embodies all the history, culture, struggles, atrocities, suffered by all Indians on the way to freedom and democracy. My brother, would have liked this phrase and all it stands for.
Labels: 2001, 9-11, Andrew Marshall King, Charles Spencer King, Jai Hind, Memorial, North Tower, Twin Towers, World Trade Center