Thursday, September 27, 2012
Sticks & Stones & Islam

It is again for the umpteenth time I raise my trumpet to play a variation of the same old tune. When you're a religious author like me who has the rank of Baba Awo on par with a Catholic Arch Bishop, you're supposed to walk softly and criticize with velvet gloves, rather than a sledgehammer. But my patience grows thinner and thinner each day. I am not a big fan of Israel, but their hardened red line stance is the wisest course of action. What the democracies of the West don't talk about openly is that Islam does not want to coexist in peace with any other religion. Some moderates of Islam continue to sell the tired overplayed song that Islam is a peaceful religion, but it is not.

Some Muslims see Islam as peaceful, while fundamentalists and radicals peach intolerance toward any other religion. We can view these radicals and fundamentalists as bullies as the governments of non Islamic countries often do, including the USA, but this is wishful thinking. The fact is that many of the moderate Muslims condone and support privately the Islamic policy of non tolerance for any religion other than Islam. Still other Muslims, may privately believe in tolerance, but prefer to sit on their hands, rather than stand up, speak out and be counted. The real minority is those who do speak up.

Freedom of speech and intolerance are never going to be able to coexist. The children of democracy are born and breed with the song " sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me". Yet look at Islam today attacking the embassies and consulates throughout the Islamic world, people dead because of a film. People died a few years ago because of a few cartoons by a danish author. Islam has no tolerance, it never has. The holy book of Islam, The Qu'ran has scores of passages that confirm this. Any objective scholar will tell you that Islam speaks of converting non Islam's or purging them from the holy lands. Purging means any means possible, including killing them. Sharia law is the fundamentalist Islamic law that tramples women and children's rights and educations. Some can say this is an extreme, but it is what the Qu'ran preaches. Often moderate Muslims do not see, that they too are in danger, because the Qu'ran preaches Muslims who are not devout enough, are targeted for expunging, right after the non Muslims !

I've been watching the Western "free" press, tiptoe this tightrope of tolerance. I've been watching the democratic governments embrace the fallacy that Islam is not their enemy, and is a religion of peace. Hogwash ! Islam is the biggest threat to the world, just as Israel says. We've made excuses for Islam, long enough, the time to awake to the facts, is rapidly approaching. In today's world over ninety percent of terrorism is preformed in the name of Islam, that is fact, not fiction. The tens of thousands protesting around the Islamic world today wish to suppress freedom of speech, this is a fact, not fiction. The Qu'ran seeks to impose Sharia law and this too is fact, not fiction. It is a fact not fiction that Islam continues to enslave and expunge indigenous peoples from all over the world including Africa.

We know that Muslim terrorists, fundamentalists, radicals and some part of passive moderate Muslims are enemies of democracy and freedom of speech. Yet still, I am not anti Muslim, but I am anti Islam. There are peaceful, Muslims, however they are becoming the minority. Islam is a serious threat to democracies and free speech. It is high time democratic governments stop their feeble attempts at sugar coating Islam, Israel has long been the lone voice speaking the truth. We just can't wish Islam to be tolerant, or ignore it because it is not going away, it is being more and more intrusive, and more and more are being killed in its name. Calling a spade, a spade, should not be evil, look at how Islam is trying to bully democratic governments ! Cartoons and film? Is Mohammad or Allah that weak that sticks and stones and names hurt them? Why should Islam be given a free pass from criticism and humor?

Labels: cartoon, Free speech, Fundamentalists, Islam, Islamic, Mohammad, Muslim, Protests, Sharia, YouTube