Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Ogboni, Apena and Adam Peretz (Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode)
Young Mr. Adam Peretz (Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode) seems to be a fellow who likes controversy, insinuations and outright lies and deceit. Today's offering will expose him for the rube he is and speak to the larger problem of what is wrong with the Yorubaland system of selling of titles. In today's case we will illustrate the point by exposing Mr. Peretz's shortcomings. Yet first let me say while this practice of selling and compromising titles and traditions is widespread in Yorubaland, not every region compromises their respective traditions by selling titles, there are many good and honorable titles that have been earned, rather than bought in Yorubaland, but our focus today is one one man, and one title.
First though a brief thumbnail sketch of the Ogboni, yet let me make clear that I am not an expert on the Ogboni, nor I an expert in the various Yorubaland traditions. I am a Lucumi (Cuba) Baba Awo, and an author. My four personal odu are A) to globally educate and B ) To expose fraud and abuses, but not to judge them. This should partially explain why I am writing this piece, yet it will also become apparent later that I am also defending myself, my lineage, ile, and Lucumi tradition that young Mr. Peretz has challenged repeatedly over the last three years. This is not a short piece, it is in depth and has various references attached to it. Finally, let me add that the Ogboni is an organization that has secret elements, and this piece is not designed to expose any of these. The assumptions I make are based on significant research in the public domain.
The Ogboni for my Yorubaland friends needs no introduction, yet for many in The Diaspora, it can be confusing, just as other titles are confusing, due to the fact that we in The Diaspora do not recognize many of the Yorubaland titles, however, the wise in The Diaspora respect them, even if they do not recognize their authority, outside Yorubaland. The Ogboni is a worldwide organization or fraternity that is based in Yorubaland and headed by Kabiyesi Oluaye Ogboni Aborigine, Oba Adetoyese Olakisan. The Kabiyesi is often called the Oba of Oba's or the King of Kings. There are Ogboni societies that are not connected to The Kabiyesi, yet most of these are found in The Diaspora, because in Yorubaland generally, the vast majority of Ogboni societies are somehow connected and ultimately ruled by The Kabiyesi. Each Oba (King) throughout Yorubaland generally works with the blessing of The Kabiyesi, however each does largely rule autonomously despite Nigeria having a modern democratic political system. Therefore, while the Oba does not have the sweeping powers he once had before Nigeria became a democracy, the Oba's still wield significant power in a wide variety of the components that make up modern day Nigeria. The same is true of The Kabiyesi and Ogboni they do not have the power they once had, yet the power that they continue to enjoy is significant. The Ogboni has a number of functions, yet the most well known is the investigative, judicial and enforcement arm of society. Basically they investigate, determine innocence, guilt or fault, make a ruling of determination, and enforce that determination. Sometimes this happens in conjunction and approval of the modern democratic government of Nigeria and other time the Ogboni operate outside of the modern government.
Like any active and successful organization the Ogboni operates on many levels such as local, State, National and Worldwide, Their role, like the Oba's is somewhat of a throwback to Nigeria and Yorubaland's traditional roots. Just as the president of a country does not know what every Mayor is doing, so is the case with The Kabiyesi, so to be very clear, I am not inditing The Kabiyesi or his council with regard to young Mr. Adam Peretz, in fact I am not inditing anyone at all, I am simply defending myself. The easiest way to do this is to discredit the accuser, and as you will see the accuser has discredited himself. Now the Ogboni has many, many local organizations and these are not to be confused with the international organization despite many of the locals being connected. Even within a seat of Yorubaland power where an Oba sits, often the Oba does not know what every compound in its boarders are doing, so likewise I am not inditing any Oba or Araba. However, it is logical to begin to more assign blame the closer we get to the lowest or compound level of Ogboni.
The local Ogboni are made up of a council called Iwarefa, on this sits various leaders who have different and specific responsibilities. These include a Oluwo, a Lisa, a Apena, Aro, a Odofin, and a Iya Abiye, there can be more on an Iwarefa, yet this is the minimum, and these lofty positions can also be vacant and have a surrogate filling the lofty position, when a suitable candidate from a suitable and approved lineage is either not available or found unqualified. Today the title we will turn our attention to is the Apena ( also called The Maker of The Way) . The Apena has several responsibilities, yet two of the major ones are to act as somewhat of a secretary for the Iwarefa and to attend and settle judicial disputes every 16 days (Jakuta). Just as with any judge, character and impartiality along with wisdom are important factors when appointing and electing an Apena. We will come back to this, but first lest take a quick look at young Mr. Peretz and see how he stacks up to the rigorous demands of a Apena title. We will reference this story found here:
We learn that Mr. Peretz first came to Nigeria in 2011. In that same year three months later he returned to the US ( California) and founded The Oyeku Ofun Templei Rosa. Of course in Lucumi this in itself would be impossible, and for the record and to those who accuse Lucumi priests of a lack of education, let me again state emphatically, this would be impossible to do in Cuban Lucumi IFA. There is a very defined process of growth in Lucumi IFA, in fact no one is sanctioned to open an ile IFA without having received Olofin, and in order to receive Olofin one has to have our wanaldo ceremony, it takes a minimum of five years of ongoing training to qualify for wanaldo. In fact in Cuban Lucumi a three month omo awo would not be qualified to cast, consult or advice any clients, as they are in training, and at three months very basic training. My personal opinion is I do not care if he was joined at the hip for 24 hours a day with his Oluwo, he could not possibly learn what is required to open and administrator a church or ile IFA. There is also evidence that young Mr. Peretz organized a tefa ceremony and officiated which clearly his is not qualified to do, in fact in my ile it is highly unlikely he would even be qualified to participate in a tefa ( besides his own) and certainly not to be one of the venerable 16 Awo required. Nine month s later we learn from the article young Mr. Peretz returns to Yorubaland for his second three month education. After returning to the US, he returns to Nigeria in April of 2013 and is made a chief ! (the Otun Amufawuni of Ibadanland.) The article goes on to say " Fagbemijo now practises as a Babalawo in his Oyeku Ofun Temple in California" Thus we have the six month wonder !!! a Baba title awarded to a young man of 28, who has " intense" training for a whopping six months ! If it was not so sad, it would be laughable. Oh but there is more, much more, and we have not even touched on the Apena title yet, how he avoids showing up every sixteen days to do his traditional duties or how he sits in justice for the people of Ibadan or acts as a secretary for the Iwarefa when he is not even close to fluent in Yoruba!!!
Now let me share an example of a title that is honorary and was wisely given. It is the Araba of Havana given out last month by Araba Elebuibon in Osun (Oshun) State. Now there was some controversy over this title, but it has cleared up with improved communication. The honorary title is just that, honorary. The Araba of Havana has his own independent ile that is independent of Lucumi, Regla, Palo, Santeria, there, and we wish him and the Elebuibon lineage well in our fair city. Just as a Buddhist or Hindu temple we welcome, so do we welcome the honorary Araba to Havana, we in Lucumi certainly respect his title and his lineage as one of the great Yorubaland lineages, even if we do not fall beneath its hierarchy or authority. The difference is that we have seen nothing to suggest that young Mr. Peretz's title is honorary. Yet even if it was, something is amiss in Yorubaland, because this young man has serious character issues, permit me to review a few of them that are well documented and available to see on request. I first came across the young Mr. Peretz in June of 2011, after he had received his first three month education. He sent me a promotion for his Oluwo's book along with few dozen of his new best friends in a group mailing. During the course of this we butted heads and he made me a senior Lucumi Baba Awo several insults and attacked my honesty. Well as both Yorubaland and Lucumi protocol demand I wrote a letter to his Oluwo and asked for an apology, in this letter I provided clear cut proof that Mr. Peretz had lied. His Oluwo however did not or could not convince Mr. Peretz to apologize, and I later avoided both he and his Oluwo. After about a year so mid 2012, I began again to interact with Mr. Peretz's Oluwo, as we are both elders, that happens. I held no grudge, yet I stayed away from young Mr. Peretz (like the plague). In fact I did not waste another thought on Mr. Peretz until he thrust himself into the spotlight in mid 2013 by purchasing some stolen odu and manuscripts from Chief Solagbade Popoola a famous author, educator and historian of our religion from Yorubaland. This situation went round and round and I think it is still going round and round, The young Mr. Peretz was ordered by his Oluwo to resolve this situation and apparently he ignored his Oluwo and went ahead and published Chief Popoola's intellectual property in his own name !! On top of this, last week he (Peretz) took to Facebook to attempt to discredit me. Here he accused me of selling memberships in the Free group we have called Info Lucumi, indeed when we constructed the group we had planned to sell memberships, yet we soon shelved that idea and offered the site free to all. To date, despite the young Peretz's claims we have never sold a membership, nor do we plan to, however the concept is a good one, yet I do not have the time to manage it and write books. Thus, another lie or series of lies and as before I went to his Oluwo, asking simply for satisfaction and a public apology.
The following is a full and complete copy and paste of that conversation between me and his Oluwo. In it you will notice Baba Martin Irosun's response, this young Mr. Peretz deleted from his thread and blocked Baba Martin for speaking the truth that he did not want to hear.... nor want you the readers to see ! He could have asked Baba Olosun as Baba Martin suggested, yet he did not, he could have simply looked at my credentials that are in the note section of my page on Facebook for all to see. He could have looked at the photos on my page yet he did none of these. He and his minions seem to believe that if they tell a lie often enough it will become a truth. Or perhaps they believe I will not respond and defend myself and my tradition, if so they do not know me well. I can not answer why his Oluwo would allow this behavior to go unchecked. I do know that young Mr. Peretz is his book agent in the USA. I do know that his Oluwo and his compound's council of elders did formally spank the young Mr. Peretz, (and yes we have that letter also if you would like to see it). We have strong condemnations from Chief Popoola also we can share. Why did his Oluwo not nip this in the bud and apologize for the arrogant young liar? I have no idea, you will have to ask him yourselves. Is an omo awo qualified to lead a church or ile IFA of course not, Can he lead a tefa ceremony, absolutely not a real one. Is a person who is not an elder, in training, living in the US, and who does not speak Yoruba qualified to preform the communal duties of an Apena....not unless he has a jet, translator, and has the capacity of Orunmila himself. The character issues, lies all make for an error of historic proportions. If Yorubaland wants to sell titles fine, but either make them clearly honorary or at least dole them out to individuals of iwa pele, not fools like Mr. Peretz.
Charles Spencer King
Baba, I come to you today AGAIN regarding your godson omo awo Adam. Before I provide the documentation and my response let me point out very clearly that I have chosen to give him a love tap as opposed to a full public flogging, I am entitled to. The reason I have not is because he is your godson and his continued negative actions and agendas ultimately reflect on his training and you and your compound and I know your work and faith and support it.
What do I expect? I expect a public apology for his accusations and insults regarding my credentials, and godfather in each and every group or forum where he posted this and in a note to me personally. I now paste the history I received from Awo Martin this afternoon.
Martin Ogunda Irosun Babalawo Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode Hace 6 horas cerca de Arcata (California) Please beware of a man named Charles Spencer King He claims to be a Babalawo. He claims he is a child of OGBESA, but no good child of OGBESA would be lying and cheating people like he does. He is trying to sell "membership" to his group, a group that has no foundation or purpose. He is just looking for a route to be taking people's hard earned money. Here is what his scam page says: "Solicitud de afiliación /Application for membership January 15, 2013 at 1:32am Membership is free, membership in good standing with ID card in English and Spanish is 1 year $33.33, 5 years $96.33, Lifetime $195.33. Paid membership includes unlimited use of the database, free membership does not. Paid memberships allow for detailed explinations of practitioners services, free membership does not. Lifetime members can purchase an 8 X 10 credential suitable for framing for $39.33. La membresía es gratuita, la membresía en buen estado con tarjeta de identificación en inglés y español es de 1 año $ 33.33, $ 96.33 5 años, tiempo de vida $ 195,33. Suscripción pagada incluye el uso sin ilimitado de la base de datos, suscripción gratuita no. Membresías pagadas permitir explinations detalladas de los servicios profesionales, suscripción gratuita no. Miembros vitalicios puede comprar una credencial de 8 X 10 para enmarcar por 39,33 dólares. All members can respond to others comments, free members are limited to 300 characters per comment, paying members have no limitation. Our organization works similar to Amazon book reviews or The Better Business Bureau. Clients and collegues leave feedback positive or negative or neutral. The cream will rise to the top. Todos los miembros pueden responder a comentarios de los demás, suscripción gratuita están limitados a 300 caracteres por comentario, miembros de pago no tienen limitación. Nuestra organización funciona de forma similar a reseñas de libros de Amazon o el Oficina de Buenas Prácticas Comerciales. Los clientes y colegas deje un voto y commentario positivo, negativo o neutral. La crema subirá a la cima. Fraud and abuse are growing problems in our communities, the purpose of this organization is to not act as a judge, jury, or police force, but to simply provide credentials and a usable database for all. We feel that transparency is essential to our success and yours. Fraude y abuso son problemas crecientes en nuestras comunidades, el propósito de esta organización es la de no actuar como juez, jurado o de la fuerza policial, sino simplemente proporcionar las credenciales y una base de datos utilizable para todos. Creemos que la transparencia es esencial para nuestro éxito y el suyo. Solicitud de afiliación /Application for membership Nombre / Name Dirección/ Address Teléfono/ Telephone Dirección de correo electrónico/ email Sitio web/ Website Facebook LinkedIn Nombre de Padrino/ Madrina en ocha / Name of Godfather/ Godmother in ocha (información de contacto / contact information Nombre de Padrino en IFA / Name of Padrino in IFA (información de contacto / contact information) Credenciales y el linaje completo en ocha y lugar/ Complete credentials and lineage in ocha and location Credenciales y el linaje completo en IFA / Complete credentials and lineage in IFA Rango actual (mez,ano) / Current rank (month,year) Orisha ángel custodio / Orisha parent Segundo Orisha / Second Orisha parent descartando signo (odu) / Ruling odu IFA Babalawo & Iyanifa segundo odu. tercera odu / second odu. third odu Baba Awo cuarto odu / fourth odu (wanaldo) Entrenamiento formal / Formal Training Rama/ Branch (culo verde, la pimienta, trapito, las piranas, etc)Ile o independiente / ile or independent Servicios que ofrece / Services you offer Especialidades / Specialties Información adicional (premios, publicaciones, conferencias, etc) / Additional information (awards, publications, conferences etc)" 2Me gusta · · Compartir A Ifalowo Ifagunwa y 2 personas más les gusta esto. Ifalowo Ifagunwa Thank you for informing us of this SCAM! Seems to be yet another false Awo turning religious practice into commercial business. Round them up, get their money and put on a circus for them. "What is born twisted can not be made straight"- Ogbe 'sa. ...Ver más Hace 2 horas · Me gusta Martin Ogunda Irosun bro ifalowo , charles is truly an awo y knowe his godfather, one of the most known in habana,he also is an autor of many books, dear friend of baba adigun olosun , baba popoola and yeye olomitutu, yes he created his forum and charge money for enter, so...Ver más Hace 9 minutos · Me gusta Martin Ogunda Irosun who dont belive my words can prove it , to ask baba adigun olosun about charles ogbe sa ,both charles and baba prinz adigun olosun are 2 of the most trusted and respected man in religion, also can give iyaa yeye olomitutu aborigin ogboni informacion about charles ogbe sa, for is taking FAGBEMIJO vengance, becouse charles ogbe sa , like my self is a part of an internacional tribunal where we judge fakes ans frouds awos, FAGBEMIJO WAS DECLARED to stole odu ifa and akose from baba popoola Hace unos segundos · Me gusta Charles Spencer King 2:11pm Charles Spencer King Baba, gracias para esta......Tengo una culpa en esto......Cuando ano pasado yo constructo el groupo Lucumi Info. Mi idea es hacer que yo escribo, por que muchas falsos y abusar los personas malos......PERO la realidad es no vende ninguen sociodas a nadie. ( Por que es una projecto que requirmente mucho trabajo de me y no tengo tiempo para esta) Entonces la falta es mio para no bajar la nota .......Pero si alguien pregunta me explico que esta parte de projecto latente. Baba Martin, Thanks for bringing this to my attention ! The omo awo is correct, I did write this and it is on the group I control, Lucumi Info. Indeed this was my idea to provide a service to combat fraud and abuse. However, I realized this was a project that would take more time than I could give. Therefore, although many have asked,l I have not sold a single membership, not one, and offer all the info in the group for free (gratis). The fault IS mine for not removing the old post from a few weeks shy of a year ago when I constructed the group. Naturally, I am not selling anything, but I am always amused at the omo awo's attempts to discredit me. In fact, perhaps I will share the history of his feeble attempts in the future, as I do have the documentation. I will however make sure his godfather knows of his little campaign, so he can spank the omo awo publicly AGAIN. Otra vez gracias Baba Martin Once again thanks Ashe, Charles Spencer King Lucumi Baba Awo ogbe sa
12/19, 3:00pm
Fayemi Fatunde Fakayode
Aboru Aboye Baba. I will see into this please, be patient
12/19, 3:06pm
Fayemi Fatunde Fakayode
He sent a link to me earlier, I thought he was angry because of the link you shared. However, I am not sure because, I have not heard from him
The link is below:
12/19, 3:18pm
Charles Spencer King
Yes Baba as I explained this is from last year and it was ( and still is) a good idea to fight fraud in Lucumi. BUT I realized I did not have the time to administrator this......Therefore I shelved it ( put it aside) My fault was not removing the post, yet it is part of the groups history. To this date not a single membership has been sold, ( nor will it) I offer the information on that page FOR FREE. My complaint is how Adam accused me. 1) He is not an elder, he is an omo awo. 2) He should have brought the allegation to you and you would have asked me. 3) It is Lucumi not traditional 4) He used "claim" and disrespected me, my godfather, my compount and my tradition ( when he knows quite well I am real) so his INTENT is malicious.
12/19, 3:20pm
Charles Spencer King
compound (ile)
12/19, 3:22pm
Fayemi Fatunde Fakayode
I have written him Baba
I will let you know when he sends reply to me
He is not online now
Please, be patient
12/19, 3:24pm
Charles Spencer King
12/19, 11:12pm
Charles Spencer King
Aboye, abosise,
Baba I see there is MORE...... 1) I have had ZERO CONTACT with this man in over a year, Therefore he is LYING when he says "
Awo Ifakolade Charles Spencer and Olomitutu are harassing you? Why am I not surprised? 10 hours ago via mobile · Like · 5
Apena Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode Right? 10 hours ago · Like · 2
Apena Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode I give thanks for the "block" feature
FURTHERMORE: your godson is encouraging "Awo" Ifakolade (Awo Kool ade) who has already been reprimanded from the ogboni ( Kaybiyesi) over Ayo Salami and the stolen chief beads) My observation is "birds of a feather flock together"
Carmen Feliciano woods and Patricia Fernandez are known trpoublemakers you can check with Baba Olosun on those two. Prince Obsidian is another liar and fraud and I have the proof on him if you care to see the documentation..... So your godson is also associating with the scourges of Facebook.
You will also notice that your godson has deleted the comments by Awo Martin that I sent you.... He has also blocked him ! Why? Because he made it quite clear my credentials ARE in order.
Now with regard to the link you sent me that upset your godson 1) It is YOUR press release, 2) It is a conversation that is pasted in its entirety 3) The only comment I made ( as you can see) was lauding YOU. so what exactly is my crime supposed to be? That I pasted the press release from EJIODI HOME OF TRADITION ???? You godson is way way out of line and I AM losing patience. Thanks for making this a priority. ogbesa
12/19, 11:13pm
Charles Spencer King
Apena Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode 10 hours ago near Arcata, CA, United States To Martin Ogunda Irosun, Charles Spencer King, Olomitutu, and any one else who has a problem with me or any members of my family: please take it up with your IFA Like · · Share 18 people like this.
Awo Ifakolade Charles Spencer and Olomitutu are harassing you? Why am I not surprised? 10 hours ago via mobile · Like · 5
Apena Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode Right? 10 hours ago · Like · 2
Apena Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode I give thanks for the "block" feature 10 hours ago · Like · 4
Kime Dante Abóyadé Acosta I live!! The Odu Kime Aboyade says "don't come for me. Don't come for unless I send for you". Get em Oloye!! 10 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3
Ayodele Awo Each time we are faced with a challenge, it gives us an opportunity to restrict our response. This is the only time we can learn to achieve good character, when we are faced with the opportunity to sink to the level of the other guy, and we don't. Blessings to you for maintaining your excellent Iwa pele/Iwas rere, and following the teachings of Ifa. Ire ooooo Ayo 9 hours ago · Like · 4
Apena Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode Olodumare will protect us Iya Rere 9 hours ago · Like · 2
Awo Ifakolade Charles Spencer King and Olomitutu are best known for smear campaigning and character assassination. One day, they will get what they deserve. 9 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4
Apena Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode Eeyan lo wa leyin osa Ko too ma je aarokun Ifa's message to Ojooda Who uses 200 balls of Akara to overcome conspiracies He was advised to offer Ebo He complied All the enemies of Awo They are heading to Heaven Whenever Akara hits the palm oil The noise will be heard sizzling all over 9 hours ago · Like · 2
Ayodele Awo Wa je ki aiya wa ko ye wa! That which I wish for the world, I wish for myself. What ever energies we expend, those energies multiply, and return to us. This is a truth of Ifa. Ire oooo 9 hours ago · Like · 4
Ifaremi Oyapidan Apena Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode -- Ifa will eventually make a fire under the "seats" -- the Iyami will be eating them alive and Oludumare will not allow NO ONE to save them .. wait and see and OYA WILL MESS'EM .. UP .. now CK knows this Babaluaiye time .. he better be careful that he don't get sweeped down into the PITS OF HELLLLL ..LOL .. Babalu GET'EM 8 hours ago · Like · 2
Apena Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode Ase O 8 hours ago · Like · 1
Ifalowo Ifagunwa aboru aboye oo. Brother, Martin Ogunda Irosun is a friend of mine and a good brother. Give him a chance and maybe some time. If he is defending Charles he is defending the wrong person, but he is a distance away and some messages take longer to be received. Do want to see conflict between two good brothers because of simple misunderstandings. We have enough outsiders fighting against us, let not fight with each other when we don't have to. 7 hours ago · Like · 2
Fayemi Fatunde Fakayode Message to all: Aye ko efe o Aye ko eya Edu pana ote run Gbogbo awo to regbe e wale
The world does not profit over quarrel Quarrelling does not benefit the world Edu has intervened in all the rifts All the Awo that have been set apart should come back together 7 hours ago · Like · 9
Ifalowo Ifagunwa Ase!!!! 7 hours ago · Like · 1
Khalil Maasi Ase Oloye Fayemi Fatunde Fakayode! 6 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Apena Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode Ase O 6 hours ago · Like
Apena Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode All i want is peace. I would like these people who i have never met or had anything to do with to stop bothering me. What they are doing is immoral and illegal. It is called harassment and defamation/libel (and in some cases slander). 6 hours ago · Like · 5
Ifaremi Oyapidan And also everyone w the sweet talk about quarreling is not here in the States dealing w these idiots! 5 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Ifaremi Oyapidan Don't be so quick to deal w people u don't know -- 5 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Ifaremi Oyapidan Come out of Nigeria and take these people to task 5 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
Ifaremi Oyapidan And I got better things to do. 5 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
Lekan Babalola 5 hours ago · Like
Ifaremi Oyapidan This is tiresome hearing about these ppl!!! 5 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
Yeye Ifa Funke People over the internet "act" who they simply are... They should be called cyber bullies for all they say against people. Not saying they all do it but I can't imagine you... Apena Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode having problems at all. Why because you do what Ifa has said. You walk in the path Ifa has guided for you and your family... "Haters" are always there... Why because they are intimidated by you and they just don't "get it." 5 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3
Ifaremi Oyapidan Dealing w nonsense is very negative -- quarreling is not Ifa's way of doing things -- but are not what's going on w Defamation of character. 5 hours ago via mobile · Like
Yeye Ifa Funke Wishing and praying for you many blessings for you and your beautiful family!!! 5 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4
Ifaremi Oyapidan Yes Apena Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode Ifa will deal w this -- ignoring is the loudest way to deal w negative behavior. Blessings from Ifa on you and your lovely family -- your ancestors will not allow too much negative come your way !! 4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3
Kime Dante Abóyadé Acosta I've said it time and time again. Community is NOT a bunch of self proclaimed "elders" pontificating about Facebook, I came up with a name a lot of people use, Ile Facebook, I'm also going to introduce a new title, the Facebook ogboni! Lol Community is not a bunch of self important pompous busy bodies pontificating about, community is the people whom you help, whom you teach, whom you love, and whom help, teach and love you in return. Judging by all the support you have in this post and outside of it, I think you are doing very well in your community Oloye. 4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4
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Fela Kuti - Water no get enemy
The Best of the Black President
12/20, 12:58pm
Fayemi Fatunde Fakayode
Aboru Aboye Awo. I only guessed that link might be the bone of contention. He sent it to me before you sent your mail. And he has not replied to my message to him
12/20, 2:54pm
Charles Spencer King
Aboye, abosise, Awo,
Here is my read on the situation: I do not plan on him answering you, nor do I see him removing his lies or apologizing for all to see. I do not know the man personally, I have only seen his words and actions. He has a history of lying, that I have documented. The reason I come to you is you and I are friends, and have a mutual respect for each other. If he wants a war, I am entitled to defend myself and counter attack
Baba, I see only three possibilities to resolve this perhaps you can see more and suggest one? My three are as follows:
1) He can apologize publicly, and cease and desist his campaign to attempt to discredit me.....In fact I am reasonably sure you have instructed him already to stay away from me, yet he has not obeyed you.
2) I can counter attack. . If I do this I will attack his credentials and lack of training (because he used this poor strategy when attacked mine). Ultimately, he is a reflection of you, your training, your compound, ile etc. The fact he has an Apena title makes it worse, because it is a confirmation. You and I are friends, and this is why I write you, not only because Yorubaland (and Lucumi ) protocol requires it. You and I are elders, he is not. Obviously, I do not wish to counter attack, because I see it is not only a negative for you and I, but for all of Yorubaland and Lucumi. I fully realize, and I think you do too, this is the worst of the three options.
3) The third option is that you or the compound's elders jump in and make a statement minimally, that my credentials are correct and that my contributions to our religion are positive or significant or something like that. I do not like this option, because it is he who should apologize, not you or the compound. Even though, I do not like it, it is better than a war that will leave blood in the water.
Perhaps, you can suggest an alternative, but I can't think of another one. I can not ignore lies, and IFA would not want me to.
Ogbo ato
12/20, 3:02pm
Charles Spencer King
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# posted by Cubaking @ 7:49 AM