Tuesday, September 29, 2015


American IFA lll

                     American IFA part lll

This is the third and final part of my analysis of American IFA and the shady characters promoting it. Parts one and two can be found by following the links provided:


This paper will have two sections (A & B) with the first discussing the shady dishonorable characters we discussed fleetingly in parts one and two. Part B will offer tangible and constructive suggestions for American IFA.

Part A:
There is no doubt who has been promoting the concept of American IFA over the last two years. However it would be a mistake to assume that the two women who are the face of American IFA and their minions are the body as well as the face. I have already shared in parts one and two who the other shady characters are that quietly make up the body that remains cloaked. I will not focus on these additional shady characters because three parts would not adequately discuss the assorted shady characters. Therefore, we will focus on the two women who are the face today: “Ayaba” -
Oloye Erelu-Abiye Unsi-Tassinon (also known as O’fae O’fae and Melba Farrell NT) and “Ayaba”- OchaBi Ifabuluje –Ifaseye (also known as Phd IyaNifa Yaya Ayalosha-aje). 

Ayaba OchaBi is supposedly well educated; according to her she holds numerous academic credentials as well as significant religious and Yoruba titles. OchaBi has spoken not as a novice but an expert on many things in my own Lucumi (where she also claims credentials) and in recent years many things in Yoruba Land and West Africa. She writes extensively on the ifa corpus, egbe, ori, ancestors, plants and herbs (ewe), patakin (legendary stories) ese (ifa corpus verse), ancestor veneration, music, art and Yoruba culture. She writes as an authority, hosts a Blog radio show with O’fae and offers advice frequently to anyone who asks. Academically, she lists Florida Institute of Technology as where she earned a MBA (in Finance) and Northcentral University where she attended more recently (2008 -2011). Northcentral I was surprised to learn describes themselves in their Mission Statement as: “
North Central University is a Christ-centered, Bible-based, Pentecostal school with a commitment to academic excellence that prepares students to fulfill biblical models of leadership and ministry throughout the world. (Ephesians 4:11-12). Northcentral offers one graduate degree, but no PhD’s.

Not only was I surprised to learn that Northcentral had nothing to do with African or Caribbean studies but not offering a PhD was a shocker. Academics with PhD’s usually do not try to hide them or the university where they earned these lofty titles. More troubling to me is the use of the title “Ayaba” that both OchaBi and O’fae are using. Yoruba titles are complex and come in various credible and non-credible guises. Chiefs for example can be honorary, functional or hereditary; most religious titles are the same. The lofty title of Ayaba however is a very specific title (like PhD). Ayaba is the title used for a current wife of a King (oba) or Prince with royal bloodlines. Additionally the title could be used if the woman is the biological mother of a King or Prince’s children.

The fact both of these women are using the Ayaba title is not only an insult to our intelligence, but it is a crime in Nigeria. It is an insult and a crime to masquerade as a Queen all over the world. In the past when I have challenged both of these women to produce their religious credentials they have refused (in both Cuban Lucumi and traditional Yoruba Land YTR). Today I am repeating my challenge formally and adding OchaBi’s MBA, PhD and Ayaba title as well as the Ayaba title O’fae began using in September of 2015. I suggest everyone also demand them to produce proof of these titles. Should they claim they were unaware these titles were sacred and using them illegal and unethical, we must seriously consider that the pair really knows very little about Yoruba culture and protocols and are far from being experts.

I fully expect this pair and their minions to scream “Iwa Pele, Iwa Pele, Iwa Pele! It is taboo for an Ifa priest (which I am… and a well-documented one at that) to judge others. My ardent response is IFA first and foremost demands truth from its priests and being silent and allowing fraud to run rampant is not showing iwa pele (in fact quite the reverse). I am not a judge, nor have I ever claimed to be a judge. I am a journalist, author and Lucumi Baba Awo. I am also born in the USA and have an interest in anything calling itself American IFA. When I speak of shady characters, I do refer to this pair, because it is not only their fraudulent credentials that concerns me. This pair has systematically attacked numerous real and verifiable luminaries in IFA worldwide. Respected leaders of IFA such as Baba Olosun, Chief Fama, Chief Popoola and scores of other respected priests who disagree with or challenge this pair are targeted. The pair has aligned themselves with other well-known scurrilous frauds and abusers and are simply the wrong people to be promoting such an ambitious concept as American IFA.

In an effort for some balance in the article let me add that I do not believe OchaBi or O’fae are completely evil or have only malicious intentions. I’m reasonably sure they have made contributions to the Yoruba culture and IFA. OchaBi for example has interpreted many odu in the ifa corpus. I do not personally follow their Blog radio show, yet I’m fairly confident it is not all hate and character assassinations. Oloun, Eshu and society judge, I do not. Sure, I have my opinions based on evidence, facts and logic but I report, speculate, probe, research, investigate, discuss and debate. In the end it is simply my opinion. I try not to judge because sometimes facts appear after an article. My goal is to guide my readers and in the end remind them I am not the judge; just one of many presenters.

     The bottom line here is no one would want a doctor operating on them or a loved one who was not a doctor. Anyone caught lying or misrepresenting themselves is simply not honorable or trustworthy. Priests and specifically Ifa priests with clients cannot be considered credible who lie. Fabricating credentials is childish, but also it is incredibly naïve to assume that a client, colleague or regulatory body would not check the voracity of a title or credentials. This shows poor judgement at the very least. I have been warning these two for the last two years or more about credentials. The pair has twisted my words at each juncture and ignored my friendly advice. The time has come to stop this nonsense. I get no warm fuzzy feeling or pleasure exposing fraud. It is disappointing and sad for our entire culture, not just me.

Part B
American IFA sure is a catchy title that many seemingly would be proud to be associated with. However for the many reasons I identified in the first two parts of this article it is not viable at least under this shady leadership and not without being clearly identified. Under different leadership and with clearly defined goals and practices there may come a time when it makes sense; but that is not now. The title as we discussed in part two is inaccurate and misleading, yet that could be changed to be more USA specific. 

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